Foreign language articles -
English-language articles
Catholic Churches in Poland
in full communion with the Bishop of Rome - the successor of Saint Peter
Name of Church
Title and name of the person in charge of the Church
Legal basis of the Church
The Catholic Church in the Polish Republic
Latin Rite
President of the Polish Episcopal Conference
Poznan Metropolitan
Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki
between the Holy See and the Polish Republic, signed at Warsaw on 28 July 1993
(Journal of Laws No. 51, item. 318),
Act of 17 May 1989 on relations between the State and the Catholic Church in the Polish Republic.
(Journal of Laws No. 29, item. 154, later died.).
The Catholic Church in the Polish Republic
Byzantine - Slavic Rite
Bishop of Siedlce
Bishop Kazimierz Gurda
The Catholic Church in the Polish Republic
Greek Catholic Rite
Przemysl-Warsaw Metropolitan
Greek Catholic Rite
Archbishop Eugeniusz Popowicz
The Catholic Church in the Polish Republic
Armenian Rite
Ordinary believers without their own rite
Warsaw Metropolitan
Archbishop Kazimierz Nycz
Ostatnia aktualizacja ( Wednesday, 27 April 2016 )